Answers to some of the most popular questions we get. If you cannot find an answer to your question, feel free to leave us a message in Discord.

Which chains are available on MES?


  • Ethereum Mainnet

  • zkSync Era

  • Arbitrum

  • Optimism


  • Goerli Testnet

  • zkSync Alpha Testnet

  • Arbitrum Nitro Testnet

  • Optimism Goerli Testnet

  • Base Goerli Testnet

  • Polygon zkEVM Testnet

  • Scroll Goerli Testnet

  • Linea Goerli Testnet

Does MES have its own token?

No we don't. If you see any MES token out there, it's probably a scam. We will make an announcement if a token issuance plan is in place. Join our community and get notified.

Will there be airdrop for early supporters?

We definitely appreciate early support of any kind, including testing on Testnet, content creation, community building, and liquidity provision. However, we are still at an early stage focusing on building the best product. There is currently no airdrop plan, it would only be considered if token issuance plan is solid.

Is the smart contract open-sourced and is it audited?

The smart contract is currently open-sourced. You may find it in our GitHub repo. We are also planning to get it audited very soon.

I deposited tokens to the platform and it is not showing up in my account / shows an error. What should I do?

Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Portfolio Page again and try depositing the same amount (please refer to )

  2. Metamask should pop up asking you to sign a message (should not cost any gas fees)

  3. Wait for the deposit to complete.

If it still doesn't work after completing the above steps, please raise a ticket in Discord.

I requested a withdrawal but the tokens are not showing up in my wallet / show an error. What should I do?

Make sure you have already checked the Transfer page ( ) for any pending Withdrawals. Remember you will always have to finalize a withdrawal before tokens can be transferred to your wallet. If there are no pending withdrawals/the previous withdrawal request shows an error, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Portfolio Page again and try withdrawing the same amount (please refer to )

  2. Metamask should pop up asking you to sign a message (should not cost any gas fees)

  3. Finalize the withdrawal in the Transfers tab. Make sure you have enough ETH for gas fees.

If it still doesn't work after completing the above steps, please raise a ticket in Discord.

Last updated